Dec 3, 2019, Meeting Minutes in PDF
Dec. 3 meeting minutes
Attendees: Russ Alpern, Shawn Meldrum,
Sean McCormick, Betsy Janney
-Last meeting minutes were approved.
-HOA sign that fell down is in great shape.
The decision was made to save the $3-5000
and put the old sign back up. Sean will work
on getting the sign back up.
-We need to create a budget in the next few
-Meet to approve a budget
-Propose an increase in dues
-Project ideas
-Neighborhood cleanup
-Weed mitigation
-Neighborhood BBQ
-Pursue past due accounts. Russ will get
list of delinquent HOA dues from Sarah.
-Sean M. moved to have attorney Jacob With
write an amendment to the by laws
addressing short term rentals to state that
rentals have to be at least three months in
length. Betsy 2nd the motion. Passed.
-Architectural review board members are
Board member E Mail
Russ – frenchkissbreck@gmail
Betsy – elkothedog@gmail
Sean – mcCormicks01@roadrunner
Shawn – shawnmeldrum0461@gmail