All posts by guru

Fall 2024 Newsletter
7/31/24 Meeting Minutes
HOA Annual Meeting 9/24/24 5 pm
Location: Dos Rios Golf Club
- Roll Call
- Proof of Notice of Meeting
- Approval of minutes from the July 31, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting.
- Report out of Committees
- Architectural Committee
- Weed Committee
- Covenant Committee
- The Committee will present suggested changes to the covenants for comment and discussion. Please remember that any Proposed Changes must be voted on by the full membership and receive consent of 75% of the lot owners to amend our current Covenants.
- Election of Officers
- Election of Vice President Term for 3-year term will be held.
- Unfinished Business
- Presentation of 2025 Budget options
- New Business
- Discussion of potential to raise the annual dues by up to $25 per year to allow for dumpsters to be placed annually for spring cleanup, maintenance of signs and snowplowing of mail boxes and meet the cost of Insurance Policy increases.
- Any additional new business
- Adjournment
Annual Meeting Notice
7/31/2024 Meeting Agenda
7/31/24 – Dos Rios 3 HOA Board Meeting AGENDA
Gunnison County Library, 4:00 p.m.
1. Roll Call of Board
2. Proof of Notice of Meeting
3. Reading and approval of any unapproved Board minutes
4. Proposed Regulations for CCIOA
a. Summary of written comments that were received
b. Discussion of Comments
c. Any proposed Changes
d. Board Vote
5. New Business
6. Adjournment

Summer 2024 Newsletter
Good Day members,
What a wonderful June we have had so far, hope the rain continues which makes keeping a lawn nice and green a lot easier.
I would like to share a few items of information with all of you.
- Dos Rios 1 HOA requested we let everyone know they do not want any yard waste thrown onto their common property and request it please stop. They pay to treat their common ground for weeds and do not want any potential weeds coming onto their land from Dos Rios 3 lawn and garden waste.
- The board has received a few comments and complaints about the clutter around some homes. We all live in the neighborhood together and as neighbors we need to be aware of how we keep our yards and do our part to keep the neighborhood looking great. We appreciate you helping out!
- If you haven’t gone to our website and given us your email, we ask that you go to the website and click on the menu button and select “Contact” then click on “Newsletter Subscription” and then sign up for the newsletter. We hope to move to all electronic notices by this fall so we do not have to spend close to $100.00 each time we mail this newsletter and notification of the board meetings.
- Speaking of HOA Board meetings, the next one will be on July 31, 4:00 PM in the Gunnison County Library.
July 31 Board Meeting Agenda:
- Roll Call
- Proof of Notice of Meeting
- Approval of March 12th minutes
- Report out of Committees
- New Business
- Adjournment
Mark Hatcher
Dos Rios 3 HOA – President
Spring Newsletter
Hello Neighbors!
The Board would like to take a few minutes and give you an update on what is happening here in Dos Rios 3.
As you all have noticed, Gunnison County has improved the area around the mailboxes on Fairway Lane and Tomichi Trail. A big thank you to the Gunnison County Public Works Department and to our own Sean McCormick for working together to make this happen.
The Board has authorized the purchase and installation of two “Driver Feedback Radar Signs.” The signs are being purchased to address concerns from many residents about drivers exceeding the speed limit with a lot the children in our neighborhood. These are signs that read your speed and then show that speed on the sign. One sign will be installed on upper Fairway Lane to remind drivers of their speed as they get into the residential area. The other sign will be installed on Tomichi Trail near the mailboxes. We have applied to Gunnison County to install these signs on the County Right of Way and hope to have them installed before too long.
To assist with spring clean-up, the Board approved a dumpster to be placed at the junction of Fairway Lane and Tomichi Trail. The dumpster will be available from May 3rd until it is full or through May 9th. This dumpster is being provided for spring clean-up, and we must meet the rules of the County Landfill. We need to follow these rules to avoid any problems being accepted at the landfill and/or incurring extra charges. Please ensure that you do not throw any of the following items in the dumpster.
- NO Concrete Tires and/or Rims Mattress and/or Box Springs
- NO Appliances, Electronics, and/or Batteries Motorized Equipment
- NO Fluorescent lights Treated Fence Posts Railroad Ties
*Dry empty paint cans with the lid off can be placed in the dumpster.
We cannot fill the dumpster above the rim, so please break apart and flatten bulky items. Do not place anything in the dumpster if it cannot be fully below the rim.
The Six Points box truck will be at the intersection of Fairway and Tomichi on Saturday, May 4th, from 10am to 12pm. Two staff members will be aboard: Kyle and Johnny.
The following is a list of items that Six Points is unable to accept:
- Beds or bed parts of any kind
- Electronics of any kind
- Plug in Exercise equipment of any kind
- Baby equipment of any kind, car seats, high chairs, anything that could be a concern from a safety standpoint.
- We cannot accept helmets.
- We understand that donations will be used and somewhat worn, but we cannot accept items with stains, smells, or tears.
The Board is also trying to make communication quicker and easier for all of us by getting an email address for each lot owner. If you could take a moment and go to, under the “Menu” tab click “Newsletter Subscription” and fill out the form with your preferred email address. Thank you, we hope to send notices like this by email in the near future.
The Board also wants to thank all of those who have contacted the Architectural Committee regarding their planned changes, as required by the Covenants. Quite a few plans are moving forward for this year. If you have some planned changes you are thinking about, please go to, click on “Architecture and Review”, then fill out the form to start the review process.
If you look at your latest water bill from the County you will see they are concerned about sump pumps pumping into the sewer system and increasing all of our water/sewer bills. This follows up with the information they provided at our annual membership meeting last September. The county is asking us to remind everyone to check our crawl space and change any sump pump to ensure it is not going into the sewer, hopefully saving us all some money.
The Board is also looking for your feedback. Their contact info is also on our website. Hope all of you have a great spring and start to your summer! See you around the neighborhood.
Mark Hatcher
Dos Rios 3 HOA Board President
3/12/2024 minutes
Dos Rios III HOA Board Meeting Minutes
03/12/24, 4:00 PM
Location: Gunnison Public Library
Standing Agenda
1. Roll Call of Board
2. Proof of Notice of Meeting. Letter sent out dated XX
3. Reading and approval of any unapproved Board minutes
4. Proposed Regulations for CCIOA
a. Summary of written comments that were received
b. Discussion of Comments
c. Any proposed Changes
d. Board Vote
5. New Business
6. Adjournment
Board Members:
Mark Hatcher – HOA President
Sean McCormick – HOA Vice President
John Nelson – Secretary
Property Owners:
Bill Dowis
Angeline harty
Jim McCallister
Michael Lovato
Meeting Agenda
- Roll call. 4:03 p.m. meeting called to order; quorum established.
- Proof of notice of meeting completed. Letter went out 2/13/24.
- Reading and approval of 11/7/23 Meeting Minutes completed. Unanimous approval.
- Committee Reports
- Noxious Weed Committee. None.
- Covenant Committee. Sean has gone over previous covenants. Need updating based on amendments. Putting covenants into a new word document to make it a living document, DRII name updated, Bylaw committee will identify covenants that need to be reviewed and potentially changed. Sean is still in the process of identifying and confirming members. Members will start looking at which covenants need ammendment. To amend the covenants, we need 75% of membership, we have 3 guiding documents, bylaws, rules and regulations, covenants.
- Architectural Committee.
- HOA Financials. $38K presently in checking. $2,300 in dues received. $2,700 spent on general costs, fees, etc…. Doug doing taxes for the HOA free of charge.
- Discussion of old and unfinished business
- Mailbox / roads improvement. Sean had a meeting with County this week. Gunnison still does not have a Postmaster. The county proposal to move mailboxes has inherent issues. Tom (postal deliverer) doesn’t think that proposed mailbox move will work that well. Sean doesn’t think the county proposal is that great. Still at ground zero. County should just do some shoulder work, better yet, get the areas paved. Fairway needs repaving; Sean will inquire.
- New Business
- Homeowner new business – None.
- Budget. The HOA is looking to put our money in a CD to earn interest.
- Renting a dumpster for spring cleaning. Mark received quotes: Waste Disposal – $575 plus $335 initial delivery charge and $83 / ton for disposal. Golden Eagle – $1,105 dollars one time charge. Where to park it? Park on shortcut in middle of neighborhood? We can leave it there until its full then call for removal. We should establish what can / cannot be put in the dumpster. Idea: Establish a neighborhood cleanup day. Target dates: May / June. Consider a Fall date? Mark looking for volunteers to lead the effort. Motion made to approve dumpster expenditure, unanimously approval.
- We need an email list of homeowners. Idea: Next newsletter – ask for email addresses. JN – will inquire with Rob about setting this up.
- Quote for signage related to speeding. Mark got quotes. Solar powered signs are $3,400k from several vendors and Amazon. Looking for volunteers to identify optimal sign placement and obtain homeowner consent. Need to check with the County on install, specs, etc. Sean met with the County which had temporarily deployed mobile speed limit signs on Fairway Ln. in the past. The signs come with a 2-year warranty on the sign itself and 1 year warranty on the battery. Cost roughly equates to one year of total annual membership dues for each sign. Motion to approve contingent on county approval: Unanimous. Question: Have temporary speed bumps ever been installed? No.
- Homeowner Question: Are members good about paying dues? Board response: Yes, as the association currently only has two 2 members outstanding.
- Set date for next Board Meeting: (Date), 4:00 p.m. Gunnison County Library. Target Date for next HOA letter: (Date) June 18th, 4:00 p.m.
- Adjournment: 5:05 p.m.
11/7/2023 Minutes
Dos Rios III HOA Board Meeting Minutes
11/7/23, 4:00 PM
Location: Gunnison Public Library
Standing Agenda
1. Roll Call of Board
2. Proof of Notice of Meeting
3. Reading and approval of any unapproved Board minutes
4. Proposed Regulations for CCIOA
a. Summary of written comments that were received
b. Discussion of Comments
c. Any proposed Changes
d. Board Vote
5. New Business
6. Adjournment
Board Members:
Mark Hatcher – HOA President
Sean McCormick – HOA Vice President
John Nelson – Secretary
Doug Gorman – Treasurer
Property Owners:
Russ Halprin
Jeffery Lazo
Perry & Teresa Anderson
Jim McCallister
Steve Westbay
Jeff Wilkerson
Meeting Agenda
- Roll call. 4:03 p.m. meeting called to order; quorum established.
- Proof of notice of meeting completed. Letter went out 10/4/23.
- Reading and unanimous approval of 9/20/23 Meeting Minutes completed.
- Committee Reports
- Noxious Weed Committee. None.
- Covenant Committee. Sean is leading the committee and several folks have expressed interest in participating including Russ Halprin, Jennifer Kermode, Jeff Wilkerson, and Perry Anderson. Sean will be reaching out to committee members to get the process started.
- Architectural Committee. None.
- HOA Financials. None.
- Discussion of old and unfinished business
- Adoption of proposed regulations to bring DRIII into compliance with the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA). Mark specifically addressed comments received at the annual meeting and described current fine schedule and the fine schedule proposed under CCIOA. Five comment letters were received from the membership. In 2014, the DR board had already adopted 7 of the 10 articles in CCIOA which are attached to our Bylaws. A discussion of proposed CCIOA provisions in our draft regulations was compared to existing resolutions in the Bylaws. The current CCIOA article language is similar but not quite the same for the previously adopted articles in 2014. The updated set of regulations (2022) provides more accurate language. Discussion Highlights: Mark mentioned some confusion exists in the association regarding the adoption of CCIOA vs updating the covenants, and the need to follow the due process of CCIOA. Doug mentioned CCIOA is designed to protect community members. Mark shared that the fine fee structure language in CCIOA is designed to protect homeowners from overreaching boards and establishes maximum thresholds. Article 8 adds language establishing proceedures for handling disputes. Adoption of CCIOA will inform how covenants may be updated. Section 4.1.5 of the bylaws allows for removal of board members. The board will commence the process of updating the covenants soon. Marc made a motion to approve the regulations as written by our attorney and posted on the DRIII website. All board members voted in favor resulting in unanimous approval.
- Paving, Roads, and Mailbox Improvements. Sean spoke with Gunnison County about improving surfaces around the mailboxes. The County proposed moving the mailboxes such that it is accessed and plowed from one side. The County will be contacting the Post Office to discuss.
- New Business
- Old County Right of Way (Upper mailbox area on Fairway Ln. to Rio Vista). Sean asked County if they would consider vacating the right of way to the HOA to facilitate common property ownership. If the transfer would strengthen the HOA, then the commissioners would likely be in favor. The HOA would need to survery the right of way prior to consideration of the proposal to vacate. John motioned for the board to investigate options for obtaining the vacated right of way. All in favor with unanimous approval.
- Jeffery Lazo spoke about wildfire issues. The house he lived in Louisville burned. Recommended the board put in letter that homeowners review their insurance policies and ensure they are adequately ensured. Question: Could the HOA enforce any wildfire mitigation? Western Regional Wildfire Council (WRWC) will do a free wildfire assessment. The board should also talk to golf course about potential wildfire mitigation activities, e.g., use of sprinkler systems. Mark will put that in the next update letter. The covenant committee can also investigate this as they begin reviewing covenants. FireWise Community membership should also be investigated. We should inquire with the WRWC on how to get homes inspected.
- Dark Sky Compliance. Jeffry Lazo (observatory volunteer) would like to see more discussion regarding compliance. There is a county code recommendation on new construction and remodels where 50%+ total area is added. There are numerous homes in the community that are not shielded. Requested the board consider the association becoming dark sky compliant.
- Set date for next Board Meeting: 1/16/2023, 4:00 p.m. Gunnison County Library. Target Date for next HOA letter: Summer 2024.
- Adjournment: 5:12 p.m.