Nov 30, 2022 Minutes

Dos Rios III HOA Board Meeting Minutes

11/30/22, 6:00 PM

Location:  Fred Field Center

Call to Order:  6:10 p.m., quorum established.


Mark Hatcher – HOA President

Sean McCormick – HOA Vice President

John Nelson – Secretary

Russ Halpren – Homeowner

Rob Strictland- Homeowner

Meeting Agenda

  • Roll call
  • Proof of meeting notice
  • Reading and approval of minutes from the Annual Meeting
  • Discussion of old business
    • Signage
    • Mailbox parking areas
    • Updating bylaws for CCIOA
  • New Business
    • Committees or working groups needed
    • ?
  • Set date for next Board Meeting
  • Adjournment

Old Business

Street and speed limit signage / Paving of Mailbox Areas  

Tomichi trail road sign missing is missing at junction with Fairway Lane.  The board is in the process of working with County Road and Bridge to discuss road signs and speed limit signs, as well as road improvements around the mailboxes.   It was noted that one speed limit sign is typically all that is posted on a dead-end road.   

HOA Letter

An HOA letter informing residents of the election results to modify the HOA Bylaws and what occurred at the Dos Rios 3 HOA Annual Meeting was mailed to residents in early November 2022. 

Annual Meeting Minutes

Minutes from annual meeting were unanimously approved.


No updates provided.

New Business    

The Board unanimously approved to create and or renew several HOA committees to work on recurring HOA business and projects.

The Committees are:

1. By-laws/Covenants Committee: This committee will meet with our HOA Lawyer, Mr. With, to review all our By-laws and Covenants and recommend any needed changes so that they are in accordance with Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA). 2022 brought several changes with several new laws being enacted by the Colorado Legislature and signed by the Governor, which will affect HOA’s. Once this committee makes its recommendation, we will provide that information to the members and hold an election on those changes. The Board would like to add one more member to this committee which currently includes Sean McCormick and Russ Halprin.

2. Noxious Weed Committee: This committee will assess noxious weeds in the area and look at ways to educate and inform our members as to why and how noxious weeds may be treated and how to minimize impacts to non-target species. The committee will explore ways to work with the County and Golf Course to coordinate the treatment of noxious weeds. The chair for this committee is John Nelson and the Board is looking for a minimum of 2 more members.

3. Architectural Committee:This committee will remain active even though there are only a few lots left to build on. As homeowners look to add on to their homes, update their exterior, or plan to install a fence or outbuilding, the Architectural committee will need to approve those projects. The Board is looking for the addition of 1 more member to this committee. The Committee currently consists of Jennifer Barvitski, Steve Westway and Mark Hatcher. The Board will send out a reminder to anyone contemplating changes to the outside of their house or changes to their property where to find the application for improvements to start the approval process.  Applications are located on the Dos Rios 3 web page ( From the Home Page, residents should click on the ‘Menu’ button and scroll down to ‘Architectural Review’. Some of the information required to be submitted should include but is not limited to:  plans, a drawing of the lot showing where construction will occur, and samples showing materials and color schemes of the proposed project. Specifics for what information the committee needs may be found in Section 5 of the Covenants available on the HOA web site.  

The Board will share information about these committees in newsletter to HOA residents.  Residents are encouraged to contact the HOA if they have an interest in serving on one of the committees.  


A notice reminding residents of their responsibility to uphold the HOA covenants will be sent out in a newsletter.  Covenants are listed on the Dos Rios III Web Page (

A short version of covenants to be highlighted include:

Section 4 Lot Use: All lots within Dos Rios Unit 3 shall be used exclusively for single family dwelling. No business or commercial activity shall be conducted on any lot.

Section 7. Temporary Building: No mobile homes or temporary buildings of any nature.

Section 8. Animals: No animals allowed except 2 domesticated pets.

Section 8. A. No pets shall be allowed to run at large. Animals shall be enclosed within a fence or on a leash.

Section 12. Fences: Fences, hedges, walls, and landscaping devices may be allowed after written approval by the Architectural Committee.

Section 14. (Amended Sept 2005) Exterior Storage of Vehicles and Recreational Equipment: No more than 3 vehicles or items of recreational equipment (examples are campers, utility trailers), or combination thereof, shall be stored upon any lot, outside of the garage, they must be fully operational and where required by Colorado statute, have current registration…. For purposes of this paragraph, recreational equipment includes boats, campers, motorcycles, snowmobiles, golf carts and other similar items.  When more than one item of recreational equipment is kept upon or within a trailer which is currently registered and displays a current number plate, they shall be considered one vehicle.

Section 16. Repairs: All buildings and structures shall always be kept in good and proper repair and in an attractive appearance by the owner thereof.

If residents have any questions concerning any of the Dos Rios III HOA covenants, they are encouraged to contact the board using the contact information on the HOA website or send an email to

Meeting Adjourned- 7:32 p.m.

Next Board Meeting is Scheduled for 3/14/23, Gunnison Public Library Conference Room, 4:00 p.m.